Student Research and Creative Arts Symposium

Schedule & program

16th Annual
Student Research & Creative Arts Symposium

Symposium Program

Zoom etiquette

  1. When you join the session you will automatically be muted. Please remain muted throughout the presentations. There is no need for you to unmute yourself
  2. If you are going to have a video of yourself while on Zoom, please make sure you’re appropriately dressed and have appropriate backgrounds.
  3. Open your chat box to ask questions of the presenter while the presentation recording is playing
  4. the presenter will be present to answer questions through the chat box while their presentation is playing
  5. questions should ONLY be asked in the chat box, no oral questions should be asked.
  6. If there is time after the presentations for questions, only the presenter will be able to orally answer.

Remember this is a professional setting so keep your comments in the Chat and your appearance appropriate. The moderator reserves the right to remove disruptive individuals


NS401 Oral Presentations Session 1, 12:30–2:30 

Video link:

12:30 – Bone grafts, Parker Hoffman
12:45 – Promises of the Gut-Brain Axis, Quinlan Batcheller
1:00 – Deep brain stimulation for Parkinson’s disease and schizophrenia, Codi Marrs
1:15 – The impact of Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy on mental health, Morgan Laughlin
1:30 – Genetic influence of bipolar disorder, Lindsey Penland
1:45 – The effect of Ketamine on depression, Mikayla Pham
2:00 – Bright-Light therapy, Allison Gibson
2:15 – The role of Neanderthal heritage in the response to Covid-19, Jael Díaz Nicolás

NS401 Oral Presentations Session 2, 2:45–5:00

Video link:

2:45 – How we hear, Austin Spoor
3:00 – The value of shark ecotourism, Nathan Baumann
3:15 – preliminary analysis of the dental ultrastructure of the stingray Dasyatis from the Pungo River  Formation (Miocene) of North Carolina, Sophia Gunther
3:30 – Orchids need mycorrhizal fungi to survive and reproduce, Lindsey James
3:45 – Health impact of dog diets, Rebecca Newsome
4:00 – Stem Cell Treatments Approaches for HIV, Camtu “Sophia” Nguyen
4:15 – An Overview of Antibiotics, Haley Williams
4:30 – Using surface-enhance Raman Spectroscopy to identify hair dyes, Brittney, Zimmerle
4:45 – TBD, Joshua Goodloe


Oral Presentations – 9:00–10:45 

Video link:

9:00 – Codependency in the Metamorphosis, Estrella Hernandez
9:15 – Franz Kafka’s The Metamorphosis as an allegory for disability, Emma Medill
9:30 – Hope for underdevelopment in America, Tanner Wieser
9:45 – When they come home: Challenges of prisoner reentry, Meeting the challenges of reentry, Chaniya Alioth
10:00 – Police use of body-worn cameras, James Peeler II
10:15 – The Great Replacement conspiracy theory, Timothy Whittaker 
10:30 – Training of law enforcement officers across the nation, Braeden Perry

Honors Academy Oral Presentations Session 1, 1:00–2:45

Video link:

1:00 – Optical and electron microscopic investigation of the effect of hair products on hair follicle development, Rebekah Rothacher 
1:15 – An analysis of time spent charting in Kansas City area hospitals based on a Likert Scale survey, Jack Lindgren 
1:30 – Inflammation of neurodegenerative diseases, Alba Myshketa 
1:45 – Gene therapy as a treatment method for various eye diseases, William Hess 
2:00 – The effects of cannabis usage on oral health, Reid Evers 
2:15 – Thesis presentation: Basics of machine learning, Peter Boyer 
2:30 – Ethicality of data mining and predictive analytics, Sohpie Roper 

Honors Academy Oral Presentations Session 2, 3:00 – 4:30

Video link:

3:00 – Housing satisfaction in America, Michael Willis 
3:15 – Mentoring groups in (Harry Potter’s) house system: Welcoming students and making workplace leaders, Johnathan Rizzi 
3:30 – Progress Report: Online interaction in relation to black women, Kalani Earls 
3:45 – Biofilm prevention through the use of drugs or homeopathic compounds, Rochelle Garciano 
4:00 – Straightening identities in the Onsager Algebra for sl_3, Deanna Clayton 
4:15 – Comparing gender role attitudes of young adults and middle-aged adults, Hailey Rawhouser 

Art & Design Presentations

Poster Presentations

Discrete Mathematics Applications  
Urangaigali Bayarjargal, Jesus (Noel) Cheda, David Lamb, Ryan Allsup, Corrie Scobee, Danielle Adams

Voice Technology in Malawi  
Francis Muwalo

Change and Resistance to Change During Covid-19  
Dr. Mohamed Abualhaija (Faculty)